Wednesday, April 29, 2009

A Tale of Many Rides

In the past 3 days I've ridden 148 miles. It was really only two rides - the Ironman Bike Ride and a training ride on most of the TCBC Tinman route yesterday, but it seemed like it was many rides.

Ironman Bike Ride

The Ironman Bike Ride has been held for 43 years in the south metro. It has no association with the Ironman triathlon but is able to continue to use the Ironman name due to prior usage (sorry, the recovering attorney comes out every now and then). The ride has 30, 67 and 100 mile routes. Officially it's a 65 mile route but when I mapped it out and when I rode it, I got 67.

It's called Ironman because it's late April in Minnesota and it goes in whatever weather. Their motto is "there's no bad weather, only poor clothing choices."

This year the Ironman really broke down into three seperate rides, the dry ride with the wind to the first rest stop (22 miles), the wet 45 degrees F ride into/cross the wind in the pouring rain with occassional flashes of lightning to the second rest stop (mile 45), and for some, the bus ride from the rest stop to the start. Half of our merry band of 6 dropped out at the 2nd rest stop. No shame there - it was damn cold. They haven't published the official totals, but I bet the 67 and 100 had around 50% SAG rates.

I debated dropping out since I'm getting over this cold, but felt good - actually felt stronger as the ride went on. Dave and I dropped NS Rob right out of the gate. Felt a little bad about that but we needed to keep rolling to stay warm. Fortunately NS didn't mind.

It may be a symptom of my particular dementia, but I actually had a blast. It seemed like when it started raining everyone on the road slowed down. I couldn't figure it out. It doesn't suck any less when you're going slow, it just sucks longer.

Tinman Route

Yesterday NS and I rode the TCBC Tinman route, starting from NS's house. I had never ridden in the Afton area and loved it. It was a bluebird spring day. A little wind, but that just added to the challenge. I did 78 miles in 4:40. Still rolling pretty slow - generally kept my heart rate about 20 beats below LT - went above LT on 2 of the climbs. I had hoped to ride for 5 hours, but shortened the route a bit on the north end a little too much. 3,600 feet of climbing. I want to go back and ride the up the hill on the south side of Afton. It was a sweet descent - smooth road, clean shoulder, winding curves, but will be a great workout going the other direction.

Worked on my nutrition plan for CDA. Sports drink every 10 min and solid food on the 1/2 hour. It's still a little loose, as we get closer I'll have to actually calculate calories and make sure I'm getting enough.

TMI Warning
I really wish they didn't use so much die in Powerade and Gatorade - the blue ones really make for some interesting colors after they've been processed by your body.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

So You're Telling Me There's a Chance

Forgive me Ironman, for it has been 7 days since I have trained. That's right after my 75 mile ride last Wednesday I have not swum, biked, run, or yoga'd. Instead I've sweat/shivered with chills from a low grade temp, hacked like a 2 pack a day smoker but mostly obsessed about how my visions of Mdotness were slipping away.

Fortunately there are a plethora of articles on the internets (tip of the hat to the mangled syntax of our former prez) about training interruptions due to illness. They helped calm my jitters by assuring me that I'd be ok.

Based upon the duration of my symptoms the Doc decided it was bronchitis and hooked me up with a Z-pack. Monday night I took the first dose. Tuesday afternoon I was fit to be tied - 101 degree fever, still felt like crap. Then as the afternoon became evening, I suddenly started to feel better - almost like myself again. Funny how that works. Today I feel great. Still hacking up phlegm, but I feel great.

I've even got a plan to get back on track. I'm looking to do an easy swim this afternoon, yoga and a run tomorrow then a bike on Friday. I'm going to keep the intensity low for the next couple of weeks and just work on getting my volume back where it needs to be. I've already switched from the 100 to the 65 mile ride at the Ironman Bikeride on Sunday. Now I'll be able to ride with Ramsey, Stomper, NS Rob, Jim and Dave. Should be a good time.

So you're telling me there's a chance I can do this thing after all.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Lobbying for Sunscreen App Clinic

The various Triclubs in town have clinics every year: Your First Tri, Bike Handling, Stretching, Nutrition you name it. Well, I'm lobbying for another clinic: Sunscreen Application for Triathletes. Apparently I could be case example number 1. You would think that last year I would have learned that your clothing moves once you drop into the aero position. Nope, now in addition to the stripe on my back - still visible from last year, I have a nice band around my left bicep.

See what happens when I lie around all day instead of getting out there training. You get partial nudity.

Bounceback Shutdown

Well, that was short lived. Started to feel the crud coming back after the repeats on Tuesday. Apparently a 75 mile hilly ride doesn't really help fight a cold. Had a great ride though. NS Rob came along for about 56 miles before heading back to pick up his little girl.

Immediately upon my return home, I started getting chills. I spent last night with cold sweats. I'm taking that as a sign that I need to back off again. If I take today and tomorrow off, hopefully I'll feel up to my long run on Saturday. Next week is a recovery week so that should help.

Yesterday's ride definitely showed me I've got a long way to go. I can't imagine having to run yesterday. Hopefully it was the cold holding me back.

Carry on.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Nason Hill Road Repeats

Today was the first day I made it outside for some hill repeats. I headed out to Nason Hill Road just south of Marine on St. Croix. According to my Garmin, it has 213 feet of climbing in .6 miles. The elevation looks like this (and shows closer to 180 feet of vertical):

A decent hill. I need to check the CDA course to see how it compares with those. Bottom line on the workout - I need more! More repeats, more hills, more rollers, more long climbs, more.
After 5 climbs that took between 4 and 4:30 minutes each I was pretty well cooked. I'm sure I'll be feeling it tomorrow on my long ride (4.5 hours is the plan) but the weather is supposed to be too sweet to pass up. Plus NS Rob is coming along for the trip. He still says he's not doing the 100 at Ironman Bikeride - actually no one from the group is, but I'm saving my stored up vitriol for another post.

Healthy Again

So I think I kicked the cold finally. It really couldn't have come at a better time. With having the kids at home last week I'm not sure how I would have gotten my workouts in. I ended the week only short 1 run and 1 swim. Got all my key workouts in and feel better. A successful week I'd say.

We decided to take the kids up to Duluth and the North Shore for Easter Weekend since we didn't travel for their spring break due to their first communion. I planned to do my 2:45 bike on Old 61 along Lake Superior Saturday a.m. It was about 34 degrees when I left. I now remember why I don't like riding when it's in the 30's. First off, with tights and a jacket I feel like I'm pushing a snow plow down the road. Secondly, after about an hour my hands and feet started to go numb. Third, they could use some rain up there as there was quite a bit of sand on the shoulder.

It wasn't a pleasant ride, despite the beautiful surroundings. One thing about riding a tri bike in beautiful surroundings. Unless the scenery happens to be on the road about 100 feet in front of you, you're not really going to see it without an effort. The aero position just doesn't lend itself to sight seeing.

I'm heading out today to do hill repeats on Naslon Hill. I'll let you know how it goes.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Still fighting the bug

So I'm still not 100%. Yesterday I dragged the kids (or is that drug the kids - now there's an idea) to the gym and got in a swim. Last night I went for a run while Zman was at LAX. The run didn't go well and I was irritable as a wounded bull afterwards (just ask the Doc).

Today I decided not to drag the kids to the gym. JRose is coughing like a TB patient and Zman was complaining about his throat. Fortunately it's not strep just allergies. Zman and I did go for a 3 mile rollerblade. Can I count that as X-training?

Tomorrow I plan on swimming in the a.m. and doing my 2/50 brick in the afternoon. Friday a.m. I'll get a run in before we head to Duluth. Saturday I'll get my 2:45 ride in on old Highway 61. I'll be down 1 swim and 1 bike for the week, not too bad if the extra rest can get me over the hump.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Extended Rest, Spousal Support and Realism

First things first. I'm taking today off. A perfect storm of phlegm, chills, kids home for Spring Break, and advice from my "coach" led me to call off today's swim and bike. I really didn't want to have to lion tame (chair, whip, top hat) the kids out the door this morning. They're both dragging a bit from sleepovers and it is THEIR spring break.

In looking at last week's totals, I made the mistake of pointing out to the Doc (and myself) that if you move some of that total from swimming to running the total for the WEEK would be about equal to race DAY. Since that week's efforts have left me a bit sore and coughing it makes me wonder if I'll ever be ready to go the distance in a single day. I realize I've got 12 weeks of training left, will be well rested and won't be spending much time at or above threshold (at least I better not be). Last week I spent time in all three disciplines at or above AT.

After a rest day of grazing on the various treats in the house and continuing my Diet Coke with Lime binge (if it goes on for months is it a binge or is there another name for a lengthy 12 pack a day habit?) the Doc turns to me as says "So . . . when are we going to drop the hammer on the diet?" It's a question that has been rattling around in my head for some time. The answer is TODAY . . . as soon as I polish off this last 12 pack of Diet Coke w/Lime.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

If you two wanna dance you gotta . . .

Take it outside! The weather here was finally decent enough that I was able to get my Friday ride done outside. A little under 2 hours base ride - perfect for getting back out there. I'd love to tell you that the 12 weeks of riding the trainer had me zipping up hills with a double digit heartrate - unfortunately that wasn't the case.

What is this odd pressure against my face and chest? Why am I going 17mph with my heartrate at LT? Where did those core muscles come from and why are they sore? Apparently there's this thing out there called wind - especially in the Spring. That explains the pressure and the heartrate. When you're on the trainer there's not need to worry about staying upright - on the road it's another matter, thus the core muscle issue.

Wednesday's long ride was decent. NS Rob came over to the studio again. He spent more time "fixing" his bike than riding or so it seemed.

I'm fighting the training crud. Slow moving in the a.m. but once I get going I'm usually ok.

My 2:10 run this afternoon went well enough. Implemented the 10/1's - hopefully they'll do everything Galloway says and help with recovery. Caught a short nap afterwards and now I'm good to go.

Totals for the week:

Swim 7,200 yards
Bike 7 hours
Run 22 miles
Yoga 1 hour

No really long ride/run next week, "just" a 2 hour/1 hour brick (or something like that). Good thing since the kids are off school. It's just me and them Monday - Wednesday so it will almost be like I've got a job.

We're supposed to get 3 inches of snow tonight so I don't know when I'll be back riding outside - hopefully by the end of the week.