Despite the graph at the bottom of the page, I did train last week. I just haven't logged it yet at I've responded well to last week's recovery week and am feeling pretty recharged. I'm sure the 11 mile run and 3 1/2 hour ride will knock that feeling back a bit this week.
I went in yesterday to redo my LT test. The last test showed an LT at 153 bpm and a paltry 180 watts. None of my rides were corresponding to those numbers so we knew something was funky. The retest showed my LT at 150 bpm and 240 watts. While this doesn't put me in the Ain-Alar Juhanson league (his LT is a ridiculous 453 watts) or even the Tor Sindballe (LT of 400 watts). It does mean my power to weight ratio is 2.4 instead of 1.8 which is good (weighing 100kg sure makes the calculations easy!). Now if I can get that weight down to 90kg with a slight increase in power all will be good (to 300 or something).
I'm going to try and push 220 watts for 1.5 hours on Thursday, we'll see how that goes. Friday I'm doing my 3.5 hour ride and will probably shoot for around 200 watts and see what my heart rate does.
We found a conference for the Doc at the Wilderness Resort in the Dells so the whole support crew is headed there Thursday night. The midwest faction of the extended crew is coming also. We'll get to meet the newest member, which is pretty exciting. (The Doc does love the smell of newborn scalp)
Does the fact that I'm hauling my bike and computrainer seem over the top to you? If it doesn't cause you to even raise an eyebrow you're my kind of people. If there's no snow or ice on the roads I can get my hill workout in on Saturday - otherwise it'll be on the dreadmill in the resort.
Friday Funny 2402: Fitness-Related Funnies
7 hours ago
1 comment:
I don't think it is bad to haul your bike. The thing that makes me scared is that you know Lactic thresholds of people with wierd names. I think I'll alert homeland security
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