Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Some Pics

The brightest rainbow I've ever seen. Over Lake Yellowstone at sunset. Great way to end the day.
Morning kayak on Lake Yellowstone. It was freezing cold but we had a good time. We thought we were going to see some features you could only see from the water. Not so much. But the 4 mile paddle was still a good time.
Idaho at last. That trip from Yellowstone to CDA seemed to take forever. Lots to see. We only let my mom stop to take 1/2 the pics she wanted.
The hills on the bike course are as advertised. Right now the weather for race day is predicted as a high of 64 (clydesdale weather!) and dare I say it - "isolated" thundershowers. As in, Rich is racing so the thunder is isolated to the course. Guess I better strap my jacket onto my bike as I may want it if the skies open up in the morning. If it rains on the run that's no big deal. (Famous last words).


Formulaic said...

I KNEW bringing meant bringing the rain!!


Awesome pic of the hills! I might steal it.

Brian K. Ramsey said...

Holy rainbow.

Anonymous said...

Very cool pics Rich! That rainbow was amazing. It sounds like you are well on your way to finishing that race!