Friday, August 14, 2009

Friday Smile

What's that you say? This is a blatant ripoff of Steve in a Speedo's Friday Funnies. Maaaaybe.

I thought this video was clever and perhaps even funny.

It's all about PERFORMANCE! I think the best part is the "carbon frame."

(Thanks Capt Winter for pointing this vid out on FB)


Teenage Tri Queen said...

Very clever! WHAT?! A rip off!? PSHH different name, not the same!

xt4 said...

Dude! Good catch on my "Peak Weak" - ugh, let's hope that wasn't the subconscious at work. Also - I haven't properly thanked you for your EXTREMELY generous donation. Stay tuned - some Lionhearted news coming soon as we head into taper, but I really, really appreciate your support. Have a great week!