So a couple of you have told me you've signed up for races because my signing up for CDA inspired you. (Wow if signing up inspired you, just imagine what actually running the race might do). One of those two, neighbor Brian, signed up for his first 5k - the Villagefest 5k. I told him I'd run it with him. Brian's a big guy. He's down to just under 250 (or an eighth of a ton as I used to describe myself back in the day).
He told me his goal was 31 minutes. We were planning on being at the lake that weekend. I thought cool - the race doesn't start until 8. I'll ride my bike down (28 miles), change and go for a short training run with Brian. Then I'd ride back up to the lake and go about my day. Fortunately the Doc had to round that morning so she offered to give me a ride back to the lake. I thought about it and said sure. I probably didn't need to ride my bike back.
The race starts and we're off. A half mile into it I look at the Garmin and we're doing an 8:50 pace. Uh, Brian . . . you're starting off a little fast here. I'm worried he's going to fry himself in the first mile and we're going to be walking it in. I've done it before, I recognize the signs. He says he feels pretty good. We slow a little and finish the first mile in 8:55. We come to a couple of small hills in the second mile which slow us a little more.
Brian's huffing and puffing pretty good. As I said he's a big guy. I start thinking that his wife probably blames me for Brian's bike purchase and everything that goes with that. A fact that she confirmed after the race. I decide if he drops over she's going to blame me. Good thing I didn't find out until after the race that his mom died from a massive coronary during an aerobics class. He really hasn't slowed down too much but I can tell he's running near his limit.
I had stashed an extra shirt at the start. It was about 50 feet off the course with 200 yards left to go. I was thinking about diving over and getting it when all the sudden Brian kicks it in. Guess I'll get the shirt after the race.
We cross the line at 29:15 which worked out to around 9:15/mi. So much for 10:30s. I go home get cleaned up and immediately take a nap while waiting for the Doc. I'm really glad I didn't have to ride back up to the lake. I would have been toast.
Friday Funny 2417: Fitness Funnies
1 day ago
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