Friday, January 9, 2009

Can you hear it?

Can you hear it? It's calling you! In science it's said that nature abhores a vacuum. Well, I can't stand an empty trainer. While I haven't gotten into long rides yet, I did have a 1:45 ride today. NS Rob came over with his bike and helped the time fly by. I had a little trouble with the Computrainer LiveVideo and had to switch over to the 3d. But we got the ride in. NS Rob on the Kurt Kinetic shifting to try and match the contour (although he didn't have a gear for the 11% grades of CDA)
For the really long rides we can pop a movie and just keep the Computrainer on the computer.
What do you say Stomper Rob, Jim, Capt Winter, Ramsey - Care to ride? And yes that is my helmet in the picture. I decided that I need to wear it for my longer rides so my neck muscles are used to the extra bit of weight. NS was a good sport and brought his too. All right I'm off to the pool.

1 comment:

Brian K. Ramsey said...

NFL playoffs might get me over a little more often. Or even biggest losser, although the commercial breaks would kill me.