Tuesday, October 21, 2008


For those of you who didn't go to movie night every week at Sullivan's during law school (and maybe even for those of you who did) that post title is a pretty obscure reference. As in "Come Back Shane. Shane Come back!" from the ending of the movie Shane http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shane That's a long way to go to my comeback. But it came to mind, so it came to blog.

I may be back. This morning I woke up and felt like I could breathe for the first time in about 12 days. I ran 3 miles at a 9:33 pace and it feels pretty good. I'm not hacking up a lung or feeling feverish so it's all good. Now I need to figure out how to go from essentially zero to 13.1 in 26 days. We'll see what I can do for a long run this weekend and go from there. I think the legs probably enjoyed the break, but the lungs need some work.

Looking back it's pretty easy to see how I got here. Sometimes we get sick because we're exposed to a nasty bug. Other times we get sick because we were stupid. This is one of those times. In the week leading up to my illness I had 3 really poor nights of sleep, thanks to the Doc having deliveries in the night. No I didn't have to go with her but I don't sleep much when she's gone and I know she's coming back. I was also training pretty hard - probably too hard. The new spin classes were pretty fun and I was getting back into yoga and training for a possible PR in San Antonio. To top it all off, I hit Oktoberfest pretty hard despite already having the start of a cold. Truth be told, I'd do it all again. I guess that just proves I can be too stupid to gain wisdom from my mistakes. Life's too short to skip Oktoberfest or go about it half heartedly.

Plus I got all the inside dope I need to motivate me to keep The Turtle next year - sorry Jim.


SingletrackJenny (formerly known as IronJenny) said...

What? Not give Oktoberfest the respect it deserves? As if!
Glad you are feeling better - maybe try adding miles quicker by going really slow for your LSD run. I mean REALLY slow. You'll be back and you'll be ready for SA.

richvans said...

I like that idea IJ, I'll put it to the test this weekend. My plan is to go as slow as I can stand for 8 miles.