Wednesday, April 22, 2009

So You're Telling Me There's a Chance

Forgive me Ironman, for it has been 7 days since I have trained. That's right after my 75 mile ride last Wednesday I have not swum, biked, run, or yoga'd. Instead I've sweat/shivered with chills from a low grade temp, hacked like a 2 pack a day smoker but mostly obsessed about how my visions of Mdotness were slipping away.

Fortunately there are a plethora of articles on the internets (tip of the hat to the mangled syntax of our former prez) about training interruptions due to illness. They helped calm my jitters by assuring me that I'd be ok.

Based upon the duration of my symptoms the Doc decided it was bronchitis and hooked me up with a Z-pack. Monday night I took the first dose. Tuesday afternoon I was fit to be tied - 101 degree fever, still felt like crap. Then as the afternoon became evening, I suddenly started to feel better - almost like myself again. Funny how that works. Today I feel great. Still hacking up phlegm, but I feel great.

I've even got a plan to get back on track. I'm looking to do an easy swim this afternoon, yoga and a run tomorrow then a bike on Friday. I'm going to keep the intensity low for the next couple of weeks and just work on getting my volume back where it needs to be. I've already switched from the 100 to the 65 mile ride at the Ironman Bikeride on Sunday. Now I'll be able to ride with Ramsey, Stomper, NS Rob, Jim and Dave. Should be a good time.

So you're telling me there's a chance I can do this thing after all.


Ms. R said...

I hope you're back to 100% soon and have a great time a the Ironman Bike Ride!

Formulaic said...

Just found your blog!

How was Ironman bike ride? Feeling better?

See you at CDA!